You can see how happy I am_你知道我有多开心英语作文350字
Hi He Liyuan!
Thank you for booking in my class! You have done well today. You are very active and attentive to our class You are also very good in pronouncing words and you have a good accent. Just remember to practice the words we have discussed today. Practice to pronounce them correctly. Lastly, always answer in complete sentence. Happy New Year! Hope to see you again!
Xie Xie
相关作文: 第一次升旗、给猫打扮、吃饺子、祖国在我心中600字、我爱小雪花、鸽子抢食、上情商课的心得、我的学校我的家、人生的挑战、生活中的小镜头作文200字